HIV and Aids Treatment

HIV and Aids Treatment

HIV and Aids used to be grim in the previous decade, but not now. The advancements in medical science led to highly effective medicines thus aiding HIV/AIDS patients to live a longer and healthier life. In this article, we will explore some basics, key facts, prevention, management & treatment of this STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease). We will also discuss the former treatment options like Tenvir, Spegra, and Raltegravir 400 to help in addressing the symptoms.

An Overview: What is HIV/AIDS?

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a viral infection that spreads when the infected person comes in contact with another person sexually. The virus mainly attacks the immune system of the individual by targeting the T cells (CD4 cells). These cells hold responsibility of fighting the infecting viruses. When the body is attacked by HIV, it can further cause AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency System). Hereby, the entire immunity system is bombarded and health is compromised. Often, HIV makes the individual prone to numerous infections and diseases by impairing the body’s ability to fight viruses.

Key Facts on HIV and Aids

  • HIV and Aids is a global health concern with around 40.4 million people lost to date. With this said, new infections have been reported to date.
  • In some countries, a surge has been reported after a previous decline in the number of HIV and Aids cases.
  • By the end of 2022, approximately 39 million people were living with HIV among which 25.6 million were from WHO African region.
  • In 2022, around 630,000 people lost their lives due to the reasons concerned with HIV while 1.3 million individuals contracted the virus.
  • HIV does not have any cure to date. Still, patients can opt for diagnosis and find reliable treatment option. In addition, new and advanced preventive medications are available for managing HIV and Aids. Hence, this STD is no longer a threat even if someone is diagnosed the same because they can lead a long, fulfilling & healthy life.

Do you know? UNAIDS, WHO & the Global Fund have global HIV strategies streamlined with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 3.3. They aim to end the HIV epidemic by 2030.

Preventive Measures: Is there any way you can prevent HIV?

Yes, this STD can be prevented by reducing the risk of infection with some care measures like:

  • Using condoms (by men or women) is a common practice during intimacies
  • Regular tests for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections
  • Incorporating techniques for reducing harm among people who are using or injecting drugs

You need to consult your healthcare professional to learn more about HIV & the preventive measures that work best as per your medical conditions.

HIV and Aids Treatment

HIV and Aids is a non-curable sexually transmitted disease. However, its symptoms can be addressed using high-potential oral treatments like Raltegravir 400. Such medicines slow down growth and spread of HIV and makes the immunity system stronger. In other words, it increases abilities of the infected person to fight the viruses. Although it does not cure HIV, it is a reliable treatment widely prescribed globally. As a result, the patient can fight other infections. Hereby, ART is safe to be taken every day for the rest of the infected person’s life.

Patients living with HIV and treating the same with ART with nil evidence of the virus in the blood don’t transfer the infection to their sexual partners. With the help of ART, the % of the virus is reduced in the body, thus stopping the symptoms from spreading. It’s an easy way to start living a long and fulfilling life.

ART is accessible for pregnant women too. They can utilize this treatment when diagnosed with HIV during pregnancy. As a result, the health of both the mother and the developing baby can be protected. Also, there remains an assurance that HIV does not pass to the child before birth or pass via breast milk.

As seen, Antiretroviral drugs are very useful in treating the disease. They’re equally potent when it comes to preventing the symptoms. Medications like Isentress and Spegra prevent possible exposure to HIV. ART is known as pre-exposure prophylaxis i.e. Prep when given before the exposure to HIV – a preventive measure. However, it is known as PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) when given to the patient after being diagnosed with HIV. Either of these ART therapies are suggested to patients having high-risk exposure to HIV or AIDS.

HIV Management: Utilizing the Treatments Effectively

Antiretroviral drugs are all about suppressing the virus causing HIV. They prevent faster growth and spread of this viral infection in the body alongside making the immune system stronger. Most of the advanced HIV treatments are combination antiretroviral drugs and thus referred to as ART therapy.

Though these medications are valuable in combating the symptoms of HIV and Aids, it is important to adhere to the treatment schedule for desired improvements. Do not skip your dosages or make inconsistent usage else you can develop drug resistance and the entire treatment can fail. Also, follow the dosage guidance shared by the medical expert.

Before you leave…

HIV and Aids were considered devastating a couple of decades before, but not now. Thanks to the high-potential treatments discussed above, people diagnosed with this sexually transmitted disease are leading a longer and healthier life. They also have less potential to transmit this disease further to their sexual partner. For this, early diagnosis is crucial and so is regular monitoring of health improvements. Make sure to adhere to your personalized treatment plan, as shared by the healthcare professional. This can help in managing HIV and Aids successfully.

Category: HIV-Aids