Rifagut 400mg (Rifaximin)

Active Ingredient: Rifaximin
Dosage Form: Tablet
Available Strength: 400mg
Manufacturer: Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
Packaging: 10 tablets in 1 strip
Therapeutic Use: Irritable bowel syndrome, Hepatic encephalopathy
Pack Insert/Leaflet: Yes
Production Capacity: 1 Million Tablet's/Month


Rifagut 400mg is an FDA-certified drug used to treat irritable bowel syndrome and hepatic encephalopathy, a disease in which the liver is shown as failing to function to take out harmful toxins from the bloodstream that cause brain damage. It is also known as the best therapy for diarrhea conditions and obstructs harmful bacteria growth in the intestine.

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What is Rifaximin?

Rifagut 400 mg incorporates an active component of Rifaximin, an antibiotic that helps ward off hepatic encephalopathy. It is a kind of disease caused by liver infections like hepatitis or cirrhosis. When your liver stops working and cannot remove toxins from the blood, this medicine is used, together with it is popularly known for irritable bowel syndrome too.

Finally, such toxins build up in the blood, passing to your brain and leading to brain damage. All the symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy, including confusion, forgetfulness, muscle condition, difficulty speaking, and shaking, can all be removed with this medicine. Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd is a prominent medicinal manufacturing industry preparing this antibiotic drug.

How Does It Work?

Rifagut, 400 mg tablet, is a wide-ranging antibiotic medication utilized for liver and gastrointestinal diseases that will cure your hepatic encephalopathy and work by inhibiting the buildup of ammonia or toxin that releases bacteria in the intestinal tract.

This helps lessen the toxin deposits in the blood and ultimately protects your liver from producing unsafe effects of the buildup of toxins. At last, it helps stop the onset of diseases that lead because of enough accumulation of toxins, decreasing the re-growth of hepatic encephalopathy.

What is Rifaximin used for?

Rifaximin is an antibiotic tablet and an anti-bacterial drug that is the perfect one to cure diarrhea in travelers who are adults and children above 12. However, it treats hepatic encephalopathy caused by liver diseases and irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea caused by E. coli bacteria. So, traveler’s diarrhea is an infection that releases breathless stools. Hepatic encephalopathy is caused by brain damage, and your body cannot produce toxins from the blood.


When instructed to consume this antibiotic pill called Rifagut 400 mg, it is essential to take it with the proper amount of water before eating. However, this medication should be consumed only for those with the above condition, and it should be taken once or twice daily as doctors will make this decision after seeing your health condition. But also remember the criteria given below:

Missed Dose:

Don’t try to skip the medicine dose that can cause a divergent reaction; take the Rifaximin tablet on time without any missing dose.


Aldo, do not try to overdose on the Rifaximin pill as people should take it as much as it is advised for that will maintain your health.


The benefits of taking Rifaximin tablet to provide treatment of hepatic encephalopathy and irritable bowel syndrome at the same time. It is well-known as a remedy for liver disorders, including hepatitis and cirrhosis, which occur due to liver function damage, and then takes out toxins from blood perfectly.

Rifaximin Side Effects

The side effects of Rifaximin are countless, such as:

  • Black or Tarry stools
  • Swelling of face, lips, eyelids, tongue, hands and feet 
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Ringing or buzzing in the ears
  • Excessive air or gas in the stomach
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Tiredness
  • Swelling of hands and feet

Precautions And Warnings

Take Rifagut tablets only if it is suggested by doctors, and stop taking them if you have allergy symptoms with this drug. However, this medication should be taken not for prolonged use, and discuss clearly with your doctors how long you need to continue this medication. People who take this drug should not drink alcohol and quit smoking.


Never store Rifagut 400 mg tablets in a hot place; keep it in a very cool area. Also, you need to keep this medication dry, so do not let sunlight enters.


The drug interactions of Rifagut tablets comprise of:

  • Warfarin
  • Cyclosporine
  • Live cholera vaccine
  • Anisindione


A variety range of dosage strengths of Rifagut 400 mg includes:


Let’s know what the Rifagut 400mg Reviews say:


Finally, my irritable bowel syndrome is improved.


Taking this antibiotic tablet cured my liver disorder.


I was suffering from hepatic encephalopathy, and now it is fine.


Using this medication cured my liver damage problem.


This drug eliminated my brain damage condition.


Finally, the Rifagut 400mg tablet is one of the perfect medications to cure hepatic encephalopathy and irritable bowel syndrome conditions in the fastest possible way. Thus, if you want this, come to Specialitymedz and purchase safely.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long has Rifagut taken?

It depends on improving people's health, and doctors decide how long the Rifagut should be taken.

How many days can you take Rifagut 400mg for?

Rifagut 400mg tablet is used to treat traveler’s diarrhea and needs to be taken for three to four days.

Can Rifagut 400mg Tablet cause weight gain?

Generally, Rifagut 400 mg doesn’t cause weight gain; if you gain weight, consult a doctor immediately.

Can Rifaximin cause diarrhea?

No, Rifaximin doesn't cause diarrhea but treats traveler’s diarrhea.

Can I take a 400mg tablet of Rifagut during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, Rifagut 400mg is not used, and pregnant women should discard it.


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